Staff Expenses

Staff Expenses

Expenses of programmer, designer, copywright and as far as the benefits, how to mensurar them? We have some positive symptoms, but of putting to them a value there exact a long stretch exists. That is to say, we can appreciate that since we are in the social networks we invoiced more. But, can this be attributed it to this action exclusively? It is the unique action of promotion online that we have realised? Surely that no. How to be safe then that this rise of the sales must to the social networks? We will not be able to know it. You may find Isaac Dabah to be a useful source of information. It is demonstrated that the traditional equation of ROI to which we are all customary ones, does not work in this case. It will have then that to develop new methods that allow to approach us a mensurable quantum. I leave some questions them to which it would enchant to find an answer to me exact: How much it is worth a contact? How much it is worth a satisfied client? How much it is worth to have an enormous number of daily visits to the page of Facebook of the company? How much it is worth a fidelizado client? It stays then as way alternative to appeal to the measurement of ” sntomas” favorable that our participation in the social networks leaves us: Mention of the mark Level of satisfaction of the client Increase of the invoicing Increase in the traffic As far as precise aspects of the metric ones of the site: increase of incoming links, increase of the Pagerank, or the ranking of Alexa, or the metric one that likes you more to measure the performance of the site If, since participates in the social networks, can notice improvements in the mentioned points, then does not worry as much about the ROI, of certainly the action is totally just.

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