Category Archives: News

Fears Experience Fears Activities

Fears Experience Fears Activities

How childlike fear energy channeling adults can help each step of development, especially in childhood, is accompanied by fear and anxiety. Because each development step means a go into in a space of experience, which brings new with for the child. New skills and possibilities of self design and autonomy, but also new challenges, threats and risks. All too often, we try the adult, to protect that scare them children from situations. Often we want to make us believe even, that the childlike world full of happiness and don’t know angst(-momente). To avoid feelings of fear, not to admit it or talk out of, not causes however, become acquainted with fear as a natural emotion and learn to deal with it.

Here, adult accompaniment should apply from our point of view. It is important for children to deal with their fears, to meet them and to meet them. They can but only if we recognize the reality of their fears as adults, If we get to try compassionate understanding as it enters them confronting their fears and if we assist them to develop tools, with which they accept fear as a partner and use. Because fear also leads to courage and pride, if any time soon! What now are children afraid? You have to fear being alone or before leaving. They are afraid of rejection and deprivation, fear of the parents could separate themselves, or they could find no place for themselves in the Kindertageseirichtung.

They have fears concerning our own bodies and they tell dreams that scare them again. Children have fear darkness and before going to sleep or even the toilet in the kindergarten. In principle, the fears of children differ little from those of adults. Children experience very often much more intense than adults, their fears and feel more included, similar to them a nutshell, on the agitated, open sea back and forth is thrown.

Technical Culture

Technical Culture

The contributions were principally newspaper commentaries of work, music and dances, religious practices, food and clothing. Meantime, regarding literature, there tries you demonstrate the extinction of the black man and the ignorance regarding texts written by native authors. In marries of the Indians there ploughs several authors who speak on them, always with the anthropological harnessed science. The native literature is much lives recent than the African. Verbal Because of treating tradition and because of not coexisting effectively in the middle of the white society, the natives still face certain opposition in what it concerns the literary creation. Finally it tries you demonstrate that, in spite of the globalization, the conquest of the cosmos will be the man and of the whole innovation of conduct behavior of the society, one still lives in it system of privileges will be someone and of sorceries will be others. Key Words – native brazilian people, black man, white, interbreeding, literature INTRODUCTION Can be affirmed that, the Brazilian population is formed from three basic ethnic groups: the aboriginal, the European and the black.

The intense miscegenation (mixture) between these peoples it originated the numerous mestizos or mediums brown, whose basic types are the following ones: mulato (white + black); caboclo or mameluco (white + indian) and cafuzo (black + indian). his issue. The Portuguese had been the main whites that had contributed for the mestization, for being the colonizadores and circulated freely for Brazil. These, therefore, brought in its origins, the mixtures of peoples as Roman, Arab and black. Beyond the Portuguese other immigrant peoples if had after firmed in the Country independence: Italians, Spaniard, Germans, Poles, ucranianos and Japanese, that also were deriving of similar mestization. Currently if he cannot affirm that some society in special is a pure group racially. As in Arajo says to them (2005): No racially pure human group does not exist in the present time.

With MyHammer: Santas Wanted!

With MyHammer: Santas Wanted!

Good earning potential thanks to great demand and high hourly earnings Berlin, November 13, 2009 are in full swing planning for the Christmas season: many companies are looking for Santas for promotions or company parties, and many parents would like to surprise their children with a real Santa Claus. Christmas angels are also sought after, already over 150 corresponding tenders are as MyHammer. This is the chance for all who like slip in a costume and have fun, to play a role at all popular and would earn a decent extra income doing. Because usually far above-average hourly wages are paid for the Christmas work, the current with MyHammer range depending on the mission and region from 20 to 70 euro. Prerequisites for all the Santas and Santas are an appealing and credible costume as well as a confident performance.

The contractor should really love Christmas and its customs know well can deal with children and be resilient. Red Coat, white beard and a burlap sack for the gifts are required, you can score points with additional accessories such as a golden book or a stuffed big belly. Women are reluctant to take on the role of a man, there are also for Christmas invitations to tender with MyHammer: some children want something special or just shy, and so their parents are looking for a friendly, loving Angel rather with golden hair and white dress. For a successful appearance by Santa Claus, Santa Claus and and Angel summed up Santa Claus MyHammer useful tips at. “For our service provider the Christmas season is a great opportunity to earn good money in a festive atmosphere and lots of fun”, says Gerrit Muller, CEO of MY-HAMMER AG, and adds: good Santas or Angels received a much better reward: the happy eyes of the children of recipients of them.

” With MyHammer: MyHammer is the number one among the online market-places for trade and service contracts in Germany with over 1 million registered users and over 30,000 daily ongoing tenders. MyHammer receive customer offers in a very short time and save with 30 percent and more. The offered the MyHammer service providers and artisans range from complete construction over repairs, apartment renovations and relocations to care and teaching. The MyHammer marketplace private and commercial clients launch tenders on the craftsmen and service providers make good calculated bids. The customer freely chooses the appropriate provider, after the execution of the order client and contractor assess each other. MyHammer simultaneously offers an innovative trade book, which includes more than 200,000 craftsmen registered with MyHammer and service providers. Contracting Authority can targeted after around 1,000 branches with keywords and local search provider and contact directly. In the result, the reviews are the Providers indicated by previous clients. The MyHammer reviews are a reliable and objective criterion for award of the contract. The MY-HAMMER AG sits in Berlin and has 45 employees. For more information see. Press contact: MY-HAMMER Corporation Corporate Communications Niels Genzmer Wall Street 79 10117 Berlin Tel. (030) 2 33 22-809 fax (030) 2 33 22-899 E-Mail:

Action Cruise

Action Cruise

Fans action-comedy of the year the movie Knight and day”has just started in the cinemas, and already ensures positive attention. Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz inspired her fans in the American Spy comedy and ensure filled cinemas despite the hot summer temperatures. “Tom Cruise, the man already from successful films such as mission impossible 1-3” knows, meets in the movie Knight and day “on the power woman of Cameron Diaz, who already in Charly’s Angels 1 + 2” proved their fighting spirit. “‘ The Director James Mangold, who with the Oscar award-winning film walk the line” celebrated great successes, with Knight and day brings “back action in local cinemas. The originating from a small town car mechanic in June (Cameron Diaz) meets the sympathetic and charming Roy (Tom Cruise), who quickly outing himself as a secret agent and forcing even a plane to make emergency landing happened.

Before June knows what happens with her, she is also kidnapped and finds himself in numerous life-threatening situations. The Action comedy offers thrilling car chases also great special effects and stunt shots, which any man’s heart beat faster. “Due to the release of the action-packed espionage comedy, we have something I want even” a great gadget for you in our shop recorded the spy Sun glasses with built-in camera and MP3 player. With this hyper functional Sun glasses you like Tom Cruise can become the secret agent. The discrete and stylish sunglasses includes a 1.3 megapixel camera with a 640 x 480 resolution, a video recording function with 25 fps and a built-in MP3 player with 2 GB storage space. You want to be as cool as Tom Cruise? Here you can find more information about the spy Sunglasses:../Sonnenbrille-mit-Videokamera.html about something I want I want also something is also a gift shop, which is dedicated to gadgets and fun gifts. The gift shop offers original from the fields of technology, toys, home and outdoor. Simply clever gadgets, the man does not always needs, but want to have. contact: Kai Moller something I want also equestrian schulstrasse 7 A-6923 Lauterach phone: + 43 5571 801-0 fax: + 43 5574 801 33 149 Web: mailto:

Energy Problems And Environment

Energy Problems And Environment

It will be that we will have problems with electric energy again? Some forecasts still indicate the possibilities of deficit of electric energy some years to the front. Some? When it will be, it will really happen? They had come back with the planning in long stated period, the calls ' ' Decenais&#039 plans; ' , important in the sector. Energy has that to always precede the economic growth and normally we need addition of 2% of energy for each 1% of economic growth. In thesis and the blackboards of planning we would be safe up to 2011 with the current projections of entrance of the generating plants in process, but the reality does not seem well to be this. matter. The world-wide and national estimates are of progress still for some time, exactly with the economic cooling and the signalling of the current crises. We can brake the virtuous cycle of the growth in the next years if not look at with care this question.

The energy is the fuel of growth.Well making an analysis macro in the sector, we know of some existing problems in the ambient question. All effort of the agents has not been enough to place in the market the projected energy. Other problems exist, but they are less excellent and despite the water regimen is excellent in the Southeast, the south already of the signals of profits. We made an analysis of the Decennial Plan and crossing of data to know the real projected situation, programmed, and the hunch is not nothing good for Brazil. Optimum model is what it functions, has that to forget the bias ideological politician and in the electric sector, the state is different of government being this the basic premise that would have to be taken in account. Looking at given of the Aneel, we can perceive that dissolutions of marriage of data exist, therefore offers of the energy with compared ambient restriction with the ones of average restriction arrives almost 15%.

Minibus Booking

Minibus Booking

Years of experience in the taxi made it clear that making the taxi, people often asked to submit several machines. Typically, this is due either to the large number of passengers (cars go the same route – 'Trains'), or the fact that people need to go to different places – for example, they disperse after some event. And in one case and in another minibus booking – a unique opportunity to kill several birds with one stone. Let's look at both options, so to speak in detail. The first case. You have planned to move from club to club, to go with friends, not close to a movie, or get the whole family to the country.

And that's because the bad luck – you six. Even in spacious 'Volga' checkered such merry company will not fit. The first impulse – to order two cars. It is easy to calculate that the number of taxi in two cars – is the need to pay twice as much. Agree do not want to. Unfortunately, few people remember about the possibility to order the minibus. And the companies providing such services, require you to pay a minimum of four hours and the mysterious' hour supply.

" The company 'Taxi Caravan 'has decided to change this vicious practice. Here you can order a minivan or a van just for a half hour. Hour supply is not taken into account. That is, pay is only the time, which will take place from time to which made the order a minibus to the point where you get to the address. Let's take! The minimum trip on a normal taxi in St. Petersburg is an average of 300 rubles. In this trip climbs to eight kilometers way. Typically, the minimum trip fit into half an hour. Two cars, thus, will cost at least 600 rubles. After purchase a van for a half hour in our company, you (with discount) will pay only 550 rubles.

Work Way

Work Way

The importance of the contents mentions the meaning of the activity or task to it. This depends on the capacity of the pupil to point out the task in the context of what already it knows and also of its capacity to determine the implications of that information when will have that to carry through or to use the task or the knowledge. Therefore, he is important that the professor standes out the importance of the activity, prioritizing in its messages. In the organization of the activities one evidenced that the professors do not provide great autonomy to the pupils. They suggest to the pupil the work already planned previously as the difficulties of each one, rare negotiating the ones that can have sensible more for them.

What negative point can become, therefore according to Tpia, the way with that the professors organize the activities in lesson, is related with the interest and the way as face they them, thus promoting interactions cooperative. The organization of the activities can vary, but the important one is the autonomy that the pupil makes use to make the task. The autonomy is bigger when the pupils assume the activities as something positive and desired. This involves the choice of work groups, chooses one amongst some subjects of work, etc. the negotiation of the activities with the pupils makes possible the professor to discourse on the viability of options and to help them in the organization of the same ones for stages.

This allows to evaluate ways and the progression of the learning, considering the reached results already (TAPIA, 1999). The interest of the pupils and the way as they face the activities are stimulated when it is related to the way as the professors organize activities in lesson, promoting cooperative interactions. This involves the type of task, the size of the group, the composition and the characteristics of the group.

Frederido Nietzche

Frederido Nietzche

According to BAJARD (1994), the invention of the writing occurred does not stop duplicating the verbal one, but to complete it. What if it must have in mind is that the written text is very different of the verbal text and demands a previous preparation of the pupil for produziz it. The pupil, at the moment where he goes to write, comes across itself with a moment where it is the being that will go to participate of the action. When he says yourself in written text must yourself be had a concern of as it will be the way that the pupil will go to cover until the accomplishment of its production.> learn to read and to write correctly to follow the model of the cultured norm. according to GNERRE (1978: 46) to never write goes to be the same thing that to say.

GERALDI (1997: 123) citing OSAKABE say: of the point of view of its learning, the written language and the verbal language present difficulties of distinct nature … the writing act as complement of the orality, fulfilling certain attributions that if point out beyond the inherent properties to this . What she happens, in many schools of the country, is the cancellation of all the directions, and the children, according to Frederico Nietzche, start to develop only . The practical ones developed with children in many schools still today generally contribute to develop a pupil who does not question, that he does not doubt of what is rank for they, because this attitude makes with that, when adult easily is manipulated. In a capitalist society, with conscientious educators of its paper, while citizens, must form men with instinct of the eagle, according to German philosopher of the last century Frederido Nietzche. He is only from the work with the reading of critical and reflexiva form, inside or it are of the school, that we will form the world reading precedes the reading of the word therefore the understanding of a text, either it which will be, will be resulted of the perceptions between the text and the context of the reader. .

School Research

School Research

The present research pleads to place in evidence the history of the Nesting Good Village Hope as attempt to launch clarifications on the meanings of these occupations for that they fight for one ‘ ‘ handspan of terra’ ‘ in the hope of living with more dignity; e, at the same time, to weave clarifications on the implications of the Agrarian Reformation for the health of the society. From these interests the objective of the research was to know and to divulge the history of the Nesting Good Village Hope, by means of presented memorial signals in the narratives of the seated ones () and of people who had contributed with this history. For materialization of this research we opt to the methodology of verbal history, for believing that the same one would allow in them to mapear, through an analysis you say of them of actors – protagonists of the Good Village Hope – the necessary memorial signals for the tessitura of the writing of the history of this nesting. We detach in this itinerary, categories of analysis? time calendar, generation and signal, to the side of the goal-historical categories – space of experience and horizon of expectation, in intention to widen the understanding of the history of the formation of this nesting. By means of interviews we could perceive the meaning of the fight for the land for () seated () that they had participated of the period of occupation. To look at stops backwards and perceiving that the objective of the conquest of the property was reached of these men and women a joy, the victory feeling. The narratives had been being constructed to the step that we looked for to make to emerge the souvenirs of the events that had marked the life of these people in this construto description-social. amongst the aspects that we considered in them to analyze is the School..

Nations Trade

Nations Trade

When money speaks, truth is silent. Chinese proverb the dynamics of international trade scenarios show increasingly more actors who are integrated in order to consolidate trade economic blocs that allow to participate actively in the current international scenarios and more when there is a global economic crisis that affects all those countries that do not have consistent economic foundation to deal with it. The Chair of international trade in the graduate management program mention markets, considers it very important that its participants delve into assessing what to Venezuela represents the opening of new blocks and participation in international trade, in this case discusses his participation in Alba. Remember as it is well known, the Bolivarian alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean (ALBA) is a proposal for a different integration. While the FTAA responds to the interests of transnational capital and pursues absolute liberalization of trade in goods and services and investments, the ALBA puts the emphasis on the fight against poverty and social exclusion and, therefore, expresses the interests of the Latin American peoples.

As indicated in lapatriagrande. NET The ALBA is based on the creation of mechanisms to create cooperative advantages among Nations that allow to compensate the existing asymmetries between the countries of the hemisphere. It relies on the cooperation of hedge funds to correct the disparities that placed at a disadvantage to the weak countries against the first powers. For this reason the ALBA proposal attaches priority to Latin American integration and negotiation at sub-regional blocks, opening up new spaces for consultation to deepen the knowledge of our positions and identify areas of common interest enabling form strategic alliances and present common positions in the negotiation process. The challenge is to prevent the dispersion in the negotiations, avoiding that Nations sisters are removed and be absorbed into the maelstrom that comes by pressing on the basis of a rapid agreement for the FTAA.