Category Archives: News

Fernandez Valenzuela

Fernandez Valenzuela

Clear that the intrinsic voracious and increasing perversion of this partitocracia is not exclusive patrimony of the PSOE. What would want some more! Also it suffers the PP, patient of the same evil, only that stops not to demonstrate it replaces any internal electoral debate by dedazo imposed from above. The common denominator of the habitual absence of internal democracy is the professionalisation of the politicians, who have turned the legitimate vocation towards the public thing into a repaid good office. What could do many of them in the private company but thicken the lists of unemployment, for want of a clear labor qualification? How many leaders we have having arisen from socialist youths or the new generations of the PP and that, without to have never dunked in real the labor life, they continue living on the party later 10 or 20 years! Significant a good example could be three number Socialist, Leire Pajn, without well-known office and whose last picked up activity in an official photo is to be laughing thanks to the Cuban dictator Raul to him I castrate. By the enormous resistance that supposes with that suffocating habitual world of alicortos and adaptable politicians, the one that appears people with the solved professional life, like Asuncio’n and Fernandez Valenzuela or, at the time, Rodrigo Short while and Manuel Pizarro in the PP supposes abrir a fresh air window that aparatchik of the parties they are prepared to close as quickly as possible it is not going to alter its status quo and finishes putting in risk the stupid soup that take every day in charge of the contributors.

Each Pain

Each Pain

The causes of the pain are varied, and the loss has many faces. All evolution supposes a loss. There is loss when dying a loved being, a mascot, with a separation, the aim of a friendship and even when going away to live to a different site. The list is interminable, and all situation in our existence shows a loss landlord that follows to us close by. The pain serves to calm, to find new forces and to follow valuably with our life. There is positive pain, that it forwards impels to us after a loss.

All person who feels pain is able to find consolation in the tarot. A simple distance can show what we are not facing, how to confront it, which tries to teach to us inclusively and because we needed to live it. It is question to set out the certain questions and we will catch as the tarot is able to still act in our reality if we did not entrust ourselves in the omens in future. This distance attends in identifying particular the emotional pain. It serves to handle concealed emotional problems that are eluded by you. Five letters of the tarot are chosen. First, it answers a what emotional subject I am facing today? Second, a what I made to attract this? Third, what I need to make to cure this pain? Fourth, it answers a what I need the others to mitigate this pain? And the villa, is most important, what education contains east pain once saved? Another type of distance, when the pain is because of another individual, needs a table covered with a black table cloth, representing letting go and on this smaller mulberry weave, representing total sanacin. On the altar, several black candles are put to release to the negatividad and a white for the light purposes.

Next to the white candle a photography of the person at issue is put and an amethyst crystal is put for the spiritual sanacin. It breathes deeply and it invokes the following thing: ” I ask to the Dark Goddess that it blesses to me and it protects during this distance. I request knowledge, guides and comfort while I cry my losses. I let go the past with love and I am free to live my life. I wait sanacin and I am thankful by her. This is good and for the general good, that does not harm nadie”. The letters of the tarot are mixed and 9 are chosen. They are placed thus: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Each row has relation and the letters analyze meetings. The first sample the indications of the pain. Second it is the alternative for the critical moment, how to begin to calm. The third sample the events of the loss. Fourth, its perception on the loss. The villa is the process of sanacin for third and fourth. Sixth it reveals his emotions and feelings. Seventh it takes off the emotion of the loss, what needs to follow with their life? Eighth it gives aid for the time of sanacin. The novena illustrates how to be placed in the new atmosphere. Finally, it will feel that the time arrived to stop to be victim of the loss and to take control from its life, and everything by advice of the tarot.

The Authority

The Authority

Ockham also judges unfounded this position. It does not have nothing in the writing that can make to think about a direct intervention of God when a community of men chooses or delegates a person to exert the command (cf. GHISALBERTI, 1997, P. 286-287). For such Ockham shock of the disgnostic following o: such human power to constitute authority itself exactly was explicitou when the necessity appeared of the authority, that is, when the institution of the civil power showed to be the only possible way to guarantee the development pacific and commanded of the convivncia human being (GUISALBERTI, 1997, P. 287). Resumidamente what Ockham wants to say is that the man competes at the rate of the duty of dividuar the convenience to institute the authority, but was God who gave to the man the reason to look the things necessary and useful to live in commanded and pacific way.

In last analysis, it will have to be said that institution of the authority as the one of the private property, while determined for the reason, drift of God, but only in indirect way (GHISALBERTI, 1997, P. 287). the proper Ockham leaves to be transparent in ‘ ‘ Dialogus’ ‘ that the creation of an authority would not be indispensable that regulated the development pacific and commanded of the convivncia human being, when such convivncia happened between people dominated for the reason and not for the passions. In fact, the nature creates all the equal men. Nobody can be boasted of, for proper initiative, to have to be able on a fellow creature. Moreover, we see that the main duty of who is constituted as authority is of refrear and punishing the evildoers, what it brings as consequence that in a community of perfect men the authority is superfluous.

Dirty Socks Smell

Dirty Socks Smell

Prepare a prototype, which mimics a human being, with synthetic products that mimic the smell of dirty socks to attract mosquitoes and kill them. Grand Challenges and the Bill Gates Foundation have awarded $800,000. Among so much high technology aimed at combating diseases, surprises that sometimes the simplest, almost grotesque, can serve to put an end to a disease like malaria, which kills nearly 800,000 people a year. It provokes laughter and it seems incredible, but dirty socks are an effective weapon to fight malaria. The Tanzanian Fredros Okumu doctor has discovered that what really like mosquitoes that transmit malaria are dirty socks.

They are attracted in irresistible manner by the smell of dirty socks. Now it’s taking advantage of that weakness to produce a device that capture and kill the dangerous insect. Okumu has had to endure more than one joke. But that earlier laughed the seriousness of his research now have less reason to take a joke the work of doctor, who has just received $800,000 of Grand Challenges Canada and the Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates to produce a device that captures the mosquitoes that cause the disease. 250 million new cases every year Dr.

Peter Singer, President of Grand Challenges Canada, a unique Organization of its kind between the G8 countries and it uses Canadian funds for development to reward innovative and daring ideas, nor considers that investigation of Okumu is a joke. It is no longer a matter of discussion. We now know that mosquitoes smell certain compounds in people. Why is by going to them. explains Singer. Worldwide occur each year 250 million new cases of malaria. Almost 800,000 people die annually from this disease. And the majority of the dead are children. The search for a solution to malaria is one of the great medical challenges of all over the world.

Drastic Surgery Lose

Drastic Surgery Lose

Surgery to treat severe obesity is expanding at a very fast rate, and quite rightly. Although gastrointestinal surgery is a last resort, it is proven that is the only technique to lose too much weight and stay so. Worldwide obesity is becoming already an epidemic, a health problem that affects all areas of the life of those who suffer from it. It is a condition that is expanding too quickly, due to various factors. Inheritance can be a cause, but the sedentary lifestyle, little or no exercise, and excessive calorie intake, in addition to the pace of life as you have, they seem to be the main causes of overweight and obesity. Although there are several alternatives for weight loss, bariatric surgery is the only one who has tried to help the patient to lose too much weight and kept so. Actress and filmmaker insists that this is the case. This can be a good thing for the super obese patients, but for medicine and science, is a failure to try to find alternatives or less drastic solutions to combat the growing health problem that is obesity. There are two main types of surgery to treat obesity.

One of them is the lap band, where the placement of an adjustable band creates a small pouch in the stomach, thereby limiting the amount of food that you can eat every time. The other technique combines stomach restriction and cut part of the small intestine to reduce the area that absorbs calories and nutrients. Both procedures manage the patient to lose weight, but this combined approach is much more effective than the other. The combination of the restrictive and poorly absorbent has proven to be more effective at producing long-term weight loss. If patients eat much or too fast, feel discomfort immediately. Patients have been performed the gastric bypass operation, usually lose a lot of weight the first two years, then rise a bit and stabilize later.

The Bank

The Bank

“On the other hand it is, depending on the amount of the loan amount, the maturity, the type of insurance and your credit rating. It is possible to get a car loan with a negative Schufa entry, only the Bank in this case on a higher security will be, which means that you pay higher interest rates. Car loans online compare – trace to a cheap offer to find you can just online to compare the keyword auto loans in one of the well known search engines “type. It lists then a series of comparison calculators you, which are not significantly different and are easy to use. In the input mask, you enter, whether you want to buy a new or a used car.

In addition the loan amount, the deposit sum, the term of the loan or the desired rate. In a fraction of a second, the cheapest deals are listed then you. These do not meet your expectations can the entered data or change for example another deposit sum or a shorter period can enter and recalculate. You are interested in one of the offers, you have two options: either go directly to the home page of the Bank often own online calculators have, so here again, you can check the offer. Or you decide immediately to enter your data and send for a free quotation.

Of course you can request quotes from several banks. After the submission of the comparison and range were non-binding, it now follows the submission. The scheduling is to take into account that online banks also check your identity and your credit rating, which means, you must prove your income in any case. The application queries the personal data as well as the selected credit conditions. The application is signed and sent with the necessary documents to the Bank. Usually the participation in the post-ident is considered, which means that you need to the Desk officers against can expel. The Bank then processes the application and transfer the loan amount to your account. Conclusion: It is worth in any case to compare car loans online. The procedure sounds more complex than it is in reality then, and saves the frustration that can arise when you later discovered that it has recorded a much too high-interest loan.



As I was projected last year, smart mobile teams will remain among the most preferred by consumers. It is expected that they triple their sales this 2012 versus the 2011, I am the general manager of domain consultants. This increase of the tablets will be registered at the national level and it is estimated that more than 200,000 of these products, will be placed more than 71 thousand units sold last year. Regarding the category of smartphones, there will be a growth of 300% in Lima (Peru), while nationwide it will double. This development was carried out after an effort of the national competitiveness Council (CNC) in the reduction of the cost of connection to the Internet as well as to the massification of the equipments for the strata medium and low. By contrast, netbooks will continue dropping because it is estimated that 50% less compared to the 2011 will be placed.Is expected that its foretold disappearance in the market in the medium term will not be so radical as the manufacturers will still betting on them, since there is interested in your purchase demand. Their displacement will accelerate as consumers begin to understand the features that brings a tablet, explained the marketing specialist. Pablo.R.Lopez.

ICD Hamburg GmbH Michaela Saeed

ICD Hamburg GmbH Michaela Saeed

Vogelsang & Benning’s new website is online Bochum, August 2013 the bird sang & Benning GmbH in Bochum with a new, bilingual website in the online offensive:. “Also in the net as informative and concise to represent our customer-specific inspection and test systems, we opted for a relaunch of our website,” explains Susanne Kamp, Managing Director at Vogelsang & Benning, the motives. The structured menu management allows the user a clear overview of the three pillars of the company: see pump test engineering, test systems for drive technology and test systems for the automotive industry, users can find all information about special test bench concepts and intelligent production and inspection technologies for almost any application. About vajra & Benning now 30 years, Vogelsang & Benning for the pump industry is an established and reliable partner. Also in other industrial sectors, Bochum has Companies made a name. The customers can be found in all areas of general plant engineering and mechanical engineering and the automotive industry and their suppliers. Inspection and test systems, automation solutions, quality assurance systems, Assembly and handling systems are part of the portfolio. Up to the present day more than 800 test and inspection systems have been included by V & B worldwide in operation. Further information: Vogelsang & Benning process Datentechnik GmbH Northcliffe str. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Delta Galil. 92 44866 Bochum Tel: + 49-2327-547-0 fax: + 49-2327-547-100 E-Mail: supervised by ICD Hamburg GmbH Michaela Saeed phone: 040/46 77 70 10 E-mail: about ICD ICD is a PR and communications agency, which is focused on the capital goods industry and technically complex products and services. For companies in the areas of automation, drive technology, logistics/intra-logistics and engineering, ICD is active for more than two decades.

Arrival Time Information

Arrival Time Information

Talk is mostly about massive objects. There are also places and objects in the universe, which have a much smaller density or less gravitationally affected environment in contrast to our environment. For the mass-poor environment or low-mass object, time compared to our environment would pass faster. If so eventually a death of the universe should be, without the adoption of either of the 1st nor the 2nd German, then would first the mass-poor environments ‘wither away’ and then the massive. From this one can conclude that the light of little gravitationally affected objects or environments from the future comes.

For example, If our solar system 5 billion years (tgeg), the mass of poorer environment – due to the relative time – 4 billion years (tzuk) and distance between these reference systems is so great that the light takes just 1 billion years until it reaches us by the mass-poor environment. If the light when we arrived, our environment is 6 billion years old (without taking into account the time dilation!) and the mass poor environment of 5 billion years. The light transmitted to us the information from the time when the low mass was still 4 billion years old. It is similar to the mass-rich environment. To sum up:-arrival time information < t gaither => it is from the future come (4Ga < 6Ga)-Arrival Time Information > gaither => it has to come from the past t need to find just the way, like one this time difference recognizes. I prefer the first postulate! The light is allowed to have no relativistic time, because it would be influenced by different environments (with relativistic time) and thus distort the information contained. (Similar to the theory of light fatigue).

What would the refutation of the big bang and falsification of the age of the universe at the same time. The electromagnetic wave is not only independent of reference system, but also time absolutely! From this I deduce: there are two kinds of time. The relativistic time (type, SRT) and uninfluenced absolute time. We can concentrate the light, increase intensity, shield, distract, and do many other things so, but we never be its internal clock, which absolute time can influence. A video version of the findings of the universal thinkers. (With his accent of course.) Alexander Fufaev

Tarot Health Consultations

Tarot Health Consultations

The consultations of tarot via SMS are the way fast and easy to ask for a divination practice. Thanks to the development of science and the technology of the communications, this type of activities can be carried out of effective form. 50 years back, the map readings of tarot were limited the homes those who knew a viewer. That is to say, they were exclusive feature of those with the spending power sufficient to contract a tarotista and to transfer it until his residence. With the arrival of Internet and the cellular telephony, those were transformed into questions of the past. Nowadays, the readings of tarot by SMS or through the network are most popular. The distances of tarot via SMS or by Internet have returned the process of consultation and simple and much more comfortable prediction.

In the case of Internet, this practice it is carried out by means of programs of chat. The viewers offer their interpretations through email, or messages of chat. Like the reading of tarot by means of SMS, the consultations in Internet are realised live, in real time already that the tarotista is connected and available to respond any question. (Similarly see: Delta Galil). As much the consultations of tarot via SMS like those realised to by means of the Web, are from a cost very under compared with other forms to obtain the same service. Another one of the advantages of this methodology is that a great number of consultations can become and be responded in 24 hours. In addition, it is possible to look for and to choose the psychic tarotista or that more pleases the client, since the supply of these services is infinite.

Any psychic ability that one can imagine, or map reading of tarot, services of intuition, medium, astrologers or any other similar, can be asked for and be in Internet and the benefits of cellular telephony. The consultations of tarot via SMS are very excellent part of the services offered by tarotistas. Many of them take advantage of this channel to obtain more clients, to improve their reputation and to promote their activities. The tarot by means of SMS is very useful for which they realise the consultations and they want to prove the suitability of the viewer which they have contacted. So that, if they are not satisfied with served can leave it and change of psychic at a moment just by sending the SMS to another number.