Category Archives: News

The Company

The Company

(3) All policies, regulations and activities of the empresa should be oriented to the satisfaction of the needs, desires and expectations of its internal and external customers mainly. By their works you know… (4) Each client is an investment opportunity as is within our attitudes and possibilities meet their needs, under our parameters of costs and benefits without stop thinking that customer we also measured similarly in its marginal cost-benefit does reasoning.Nobody maximizes its value if it is not clear from something. How will an attitude of service influences the growth and profitability of the business opportunity? The survival of a company depends on the ability of people to cooperate in the work, since a company is a whole, a comprehensive and interactive structure in which all the decisiones taken in some of its areas have an impact, with greater or lesser force, in all parts of the structure of the company. Being therefore responsible for all customer service. The companies do not sell their products or services because they tengan, offered or promoted; in fact, they sell them because consumers want it; and they want them because they need them and have certain expectations about those products and services. Since then we make choices based on our experiences, the most numerous and best experiences allow more freedom of choice. Now, if we are aware of our activities in business life, we know that the attitude that we take against our clients, will provide stability and growth because there are happy clients who still need us. It is necessary to have staff committed to the company, conciente that every minute, and space that we grant to our customer, in pursuit of achieving an efficient, effective, and effective sale allows us to at each moment strengthen our position in the competitive market and ensure necessary revenues keep operating and growing that business profitability is the cornerstone of what we do to please customers.

PDVSA Company

PDVSA Company

It is a practice that dates back to the beginning of the modern era. This concept is not new in Latin America, since many competitive companies perform it as a business strategy. At the beginning of the post-industrial era begins competition in global markets, and then is when companies decide that others assume responsibilities, because it seemed not enough its capacity of services to accompany growth strategies. Today refers back to the beginning and return to these concepts under the name of reengineering. The reality is that Outsourcing, has always been done but probably with a misconception. Particularly in Venezuela, PDVSA made the recruitment of foreign agents in 1997. Scopes, impact, obstacles scopes for the Venezuelan company is very important to adapt to a system of Outsourcing, job allows you to reduce or control the cost of operation, as well as having, of capital funds, reducing the need to include capital funds of functions that have to do with the raison d ‘ etre of the company.

It allows you to access cash, transfers of the assets of the client may include the provider. Outsourcing service, also handles shaped more efficiently the difficult functions or who are out of control. Outsourcing is applicable to different lines of the organization such as, personnel, purchasing, marketing, being a useful tool for the growth of the company. Impact: Is a service that allows technological updating. Borrower service company would assume costs and continuous technological changes, providing information services quickly whereas competitive pressures. Serves as a stand where the company borrower service would have the specialist staff and qualified in the area and implement Outsourcing service, while the user of the service company is dedicated to specialize its business activities and where the Outsourcing would help cope with changes in business conditions. Between the risk posed by Outsourcing are: not to negotiate the contract appropriate with regard to what is this asking, can the company that in the middle of the road if fails the contractor, by increasing the cost of the negotiation and monitoring of the contract.

Auditor Company

Auditor Company

The management has a good tool that allows you to determine the reality of the operation, the company’s achievements, as it is the administrative audit. Thanks to its applicability you can get beneficial information that allow you to ensure efficient management. Read more here: Isaac Dabah. Gilbert Alexis Garcia, reminds us that the administrative audit is a systematic review and qualifying for an entity or part of it, which is carried out with the purpose of determining whether the organization is operating efficiently. It constitutes a search to locate the problems relating to efficiency within the organization. The administrative audit includes a review of the objectives, plans, and programs of the company; its organic structure and functions; their systems, procedures and controls; the staff and facilities of the company and the environment in which develops, depending on the operation efficiency and saving costs. The auditing administrative can be carried out by the Bachelor in business administration and other trained professionals, including to the public accountant trained in administrative disciplines or backed by other specialists.

The result of the auditing administrative is an opinion on the administrative efficiency of the entire company or part of it. The main problems that occur in an administrative audit are the following: resistance problems: such problems occur when the Auditor is with executives reluctant to accept suggestions for the improvement of performances, mainly by virtue of an opposition to any change. This is what many scholars of the organizational behavior science called: resistance to change. Is very likely that in the course of an administrative audit has encountered difficulties due to fear, distrust and reluctance to change. Rightly or wrongly, many people stick is all that to which they are accustomed. By habit or personal interests, they want to follow in the same tasks, methods, ideas and ways of doing things. They do not decide to leave what is known by what is as yet unknown.



Will be if you ponderara, you paid more attention to organizational culture, with common values (rather than codes or rules) to serve as trail of the individuals forming organizations, could be major ethical components to a company. Adding to this is that we take into account that human capital is one of the greatest business assets, and we consider that people are worth for themselves, that they must be respected and that may not be treated them as a means but an end, the first step will be taken for ethically based institutions, aspect that has been much neglected and must be strengthened in the majority of Venezuelan companies. We must not forget, that a company who lives according to the five core values: equality, freedom, dialogue, respect and solidarity will be better prepared for the future. Take into account that we are facing times where globalization plays a significant role in all scenarios and which has affected organizations, their structures are more flat, decentralised and employed more autonomous and with greater decision-making power, which makes necessary relations not only inside the companies but between businesses and other organizations, based on the five values mentioned above, which will generate better patterns of conduct, appropriate behavior and certainly will generate value. Be considered, the following components of an enterprise with ethics, to give rise to the bases of an organizational ethics: 1. to live according to the five fundamental values 2.

An organizational culture with common values for members 3. Strive to meet the satisfaction of all the agents involved in the company: shareholders, managers, employees, suppliers and clients 4. Social responsibility for his 5 performances. Weighs more the moral contract between the company and its members and partners as a mere legal contract. When you manage to incorporate these basic components comes to generate greater economic value, since relations, not only labor, operational, but also between suppliers and company, customer and company, etc., will improve and the time and resources that are invested in improving the inefficiencies that were presented in such relationships, may be invested in those aspects that demand it.

Randy Gage Companies

Randy Gage Companies

Some of the more new companies on the market have excerpted the best of different business plans more old, achieving with this mixture very attractive. 3 Seniority of this topic company arouses much controversy since new companies present him as the point that makes the difference between a big company expert in the market and a great new company in the market. I personally think that is a factor and I share consideration making Randy Gage, one of the more major experts in the field: in a large company with long experience it is possible to achieve very good income, but in a great new company it is possible to build wealth and the difference between them is important.However, should take into account that what normally happens is that the new affiliate to a large company with much experience, is a system of training and training mature, with established diagrams, work plans and clear objectives, periodic follow-up, anyway, with a good amount of tools that can help you quickly obtain income. Instead, in a great new company, that structure is usually still very precarious, and that new distributor must be an actor that contributes to the construction of this structure, cannot be a simple follower of the already established or a user who meets a default script. You must participate in the construction of them. 4. Economic capacity to finance its growth if you are inclined by a new company, which meets the requirements already mentioned, must be careful to find out by your financial capacity.Many new American companies with excellent products could not confront their success, because they did not have sufficient financial muscle to finance its explosive growth and unfortunately disappeared. This is an argument in favour for old companies in the market, it is a risk that no longer runs. 5. Consumption not sales this system is also an important point of analysis, think about the following: the main reason for rejection to start in multilevel marketing, is the fear to sell.

Google Videos

Google Videos

Never forget this golden rule: write relevant content and you generate visitors. 4. You create links naturally pointing towards your prospecting or blog systems. If public, your articles to directories, forums or on other web sites, and include your signature (with a link towards your prospecting system or your blog). This way you’ll be generating links and will considerably improve the positioning of your web sites.

5. If post your item at directories, forums or on other web sites, you can generate free traffic to your system. Once people, read your articles. And see that you know what you’re talking about, will be clicking on the link pointing to your system, it is within the firm that you placed in the article. This way, you get to these people on your list and this will increase your sales. Remember, more traffic, more people and more sales! 6. If post your item at directories, forums or on other web sites, you can generate free traffic to the affiliate programs you promote.

Of course, this traffic thing You must address using your link from affiliate. These links, you can place them into your article (when you do a recommendation). 7. If post your item at directories, forums or on other web sites. Other blogs and electronic newsletters editors might wish to publish your articles with the respective signature on their web sites or blogs. If they do this, you’d be generating traffic to your blog or prospecting systems. 8 When you post the article on your blog, you can add contextual advertising AdSense and this way, you can earn money for each click that make your readers on the Adsense ads. 9 You can convert your articles into videos and upload them to different platforms of videos (YouTube, Google Videos, etc.). Within each video, place your prospecting system address or your blog, and thus generate traffic. In other words, you can do marketing with videos transforming your articles into videos. 10. These items you can use to quickly create your own report or eBook and sell it from your website, and even could also sell the rights of resale of your book or report. As you will realize, there are many reasons why you should start today to write your own articles. So, don’t wait any longer! And starts to publish your first articles.

Efficient Heating

Efficient Heating

Improving the temperature control in existing heating systems empty, 01 March 2011 which eQ – 3 AG ( has expanded its radio-saving controller product series a wall thermostat. Thus, House or apartment owners can heat now even more efficient and more comfortable. The battery-powered thermostat measures the temperature precisely freely anywhere in the room instead of on the radiator itself. He allows so a more precise temperature control and serves as a central controller for several radio electronic thermostats. Another plus: the integrated mini weather station informed the inhabitants of outdoor temperature and humidity. The room temperature at any point in a room with the radio wall thermostat can accurately measure and regulate automatically.

Several heating systems with wireless thermostats of the radio series eQ-3 are equipped, in a room so they can be on the wall thermostat Central and synchronous control. Time-consuming adjustment of individual radiators by hand is no longer necessary. The wall thermostat, the user can all heating controller with up to seven Temperature changes daily, as well as configure individual day – and week profiles. Thus the heating power can be reduced automatically E.g. at night, unnecessary energy consumption is prevented in this way.

In addition, a mini weather station is integrated into the system always informing the inhabitants of temperature and humidity in the outdoor area. All components are battery operated and can be so arbitrarily. Further savings potential through window contacts also can who with wireless window contacts are connected wall thermostat and immediately turn off the radiators when a window is opened. The window is closed, the thermostat resumes immediately its heating program. Simple and convenient operating with the convenient thumbwheel, the wall thermostat easy way can be operated. Thanks to a large LC-display the current heating profile at a glance can be seen. An optional wireless remote control completes the entire system.

Norbert Kloiber

Norbert Kloiber

Voice mail and voice message save how you communicate more efficiently and this time instead of email: with this concept, the renowned Internet expert Norbert Kanade has initiated the triumph of its successful software solution i talk24. Voice mail with i-talk24 reduce the daily amount of work in the business life and increase sales at the same time. Just business people nearly drowning in the Riptide from emails, which spills them daily from the mailbox. The annoying formulating, tap, and correct the response emails often eats work half a day. What kind of economic madness! He could be markedly contained; by the reply back, hypothetically as a voice message or voicemail is posted. The father of all voice messages: Norbert Kloiber makes possible this > evolution of communication < a man who has given the market a decisive impulse for voice messages and voicemails: Norbert Kloiber, Internet marketer with international rank and name. With its innovation called i talk24 he ran open several years ago Doors. > The idea, the tedious typing reply emails simply by voice messages to replace real enthusiasm sparked my customers <, pleased the Austrians. > and of course also with me. Because this form of voice mail I had fully met in the black.< Until 75% time savings due to the form of voice mail is time money. that’s why business people to the greatest advantage of i-talk24 not enough overestimate: up to 75% time saving :> > emails are usually of 3 to 4 times faster spoken as typed <, explains Norbert Kloiber to. > i-talk24 allows it users, emails so to speak so free to talk about how he has grown the “beak”. He can formulate the messages without great thinking as simple as he had become on the phone. The time-consuming foraging mulling over rechtschreibliche and grammatical Kniffligkeiten is then complete.



Now a few guys sometimes are faced with the question: what is present k.-l. woman at any birthday party. And this task is very easy. Things today, sooner or later go out of fashion, tastes transformed. Technique is also obsolete. Any trinkets at once forgotten. And the only decorations are a girl so all the years and some are passed down from generation to generation. Buy beads of stone, to buy a necklace made of stone or other jewelry purchase stone – this is actually a royal gift.

Such a surprise will never be forgotten, not out of fashion, nothing will happen and with time gift only becomes more expensive. But be aware that just do not do every natural stone fit woman. Just important to be in charge of the stones and their magic. Each constellation of the Zodiac corresponds strictly a rock and a need to know. Before you make this gift to pokommunitsirovat with professional in this field, in addition you need to know the initial data koiey women want to do such a gift. Today, there are enough online stores where jewelry is sold. Jewelry online shop (if it is serious store) is required to advise you on your jewelry purchased from the stones. If these consultants in the store there, find another place.

It is impossible to prove to people not knowing koie sell such goods. Better acquire a set of jewelry: necklaces, earrings, rings. In this case, the effect of stones on their person will be portable and superb Superefficient. Well, look along these ornaments will be fine. Jewelry made of natural buy stones – it should say a smart decision. This gift will suit ladies of all ages. And there is simply no such girl who would not dream of these ornaments. Only buy these gifts should be unique in the Internet shops in which you believe three times, and where are the real experts at. And this you will feel at once as soon as decide on the gift.

Austria Light

Austria Light

Three new bulbs enrich its portfolio with new LED lamps with innovative product features LEDON extends from immediately the product range of the Austrian provider to the middle of the year. So a replacement solution for conventional R50 incandescent lamps as well as for MR16 halogen lamps now available with the R50 LED reflector lamp. In addition comes a P45 tear drop lamp with E27 base and excellent colour rendition on the market. A dimmable variant of the existing 7 Watt A60 LED lamp completes the product offensive of the quality provider from Vorarlberg in Austria. Unique the LEDON LED reflector lamp 5 Watt-R50 LED lamp with E14 screw base for suitable for Exchange solution just two conventional bulbs: R50 incandescent lamps with an output of up to 40 watts and MR16 halogen lamps up to 35 watts. With its warm white colour temperature of 2700 Kelvin and natural colour reproduction she accents light, where it is desired in combination with a beam angle of 35 degrees targeted there. The compact LED lamp has a Leis-tungsaufnahme 5 Watt and a 230 lumen luminous flux. Best light in drop form with the 5 Watt P45 LED ball lamp delivers LEDON now an exact 1:1-replacement for drops incandescent lamps with E27 screw base up to 25 watts.

The average Farbwieder gift of 90 RA is remarkable in the light of the new bulb. Thus, the light quality of the natural light of a light bulb (100 RA) can reach. In combination with the warm white colour temperature of 2700 Kelvin the new LED lamp provides light experience. A power consumption of 5 Watts and a 230 lumen luminous flux make the elegant lamp to an attractive and sustainable alternative for existing applications. Dimmable 7 watt LED lamp the end of 2012, LEDON 7 Watt-A60 LED lamp 400 lumens, intended as Exchange solution is for incandescent lamps up to 40 watts, down immediately in a dimmba-ren variant available. In the lamp a new, digital Dimmtechnologie is used, which regulate the brightness of LED light sources in combination with commercially available Dimmers are greatly improved. In addition scores the illuminant with additional advantages: an excellent colour rendition index of 90 RA, a wide viewing angle of 210 degrees and a colour temperature of 2700 Kelvin. Like all LEDON LED lamps, the new 7 watt lamp has a lifetime of 25,000 hours.