Frederido Nietzche

Frederido Nietzche

According to BAJARD (1994), the invention of the writing occurred does not stop duplicating the verbal one, but to complete it. What if it must have in mind is that the written text is very different of the verbal text and demands a previous preparation of the pupil for produziz it. The pupil, at the moment where he goes to write, comes across itself with a moment where it is the being that will go to participate of the action. When he says yourself in written text must yourself be had a concern of as it will be the way that the pupil will go to cover until the accomplishment of its production.> learn to read and to write correctly to follow the model of the cultured norm. according to GNERRE (1978: 46) to never write goes to be the same thing that to say.

GERALDI (1997: 123) citing OSAKABE say: of the point of view of its learning, the written language and the verbal language present difficulties of distinct nature … the writing act as complement of the orality, fulfilling certain attributions that if point out beyond the inherent properties to this . What she happens, in many schools of the country, is the cancellation of all the directions, and the children, according to Frederico Nietzche, start to develop only . The practical ones developed with children in many schools still today generally contribute to develop a pupil who does not question, that he does not doubt of what is rank for they, because this attitude makes with that, when adult easily is manipulated. In a capitalist society, with conscientious educators of its paper, while citizens, must form men with instinct of the eagle, according to German philosopher of the last century Frederido Nietzche. He is only from the work with the reading of critical and reflexiva form, inside or it are of the school, that we will form the world reading precedes the reading of the word therefore the understanding of a text, either it which will be, will be resulted of the perceptions between the text and the context of the reader. .

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