GFH GmbH The Budget Planner: Real Estate Monument

GFH GmbH The Budget Planner: Real Estate Monument

How to win money with the purchase of listed real estate explains the GfH GmbH Nuremberg at the latest since the last economic crisis are tangible assets and thus among other real estate always important when it comes to the secure investment. It is here not only to security, but also the increase of the assets of the individual. For many investors and investors are real estate and the special elections also have a real estate book with seven seals. Real estate belong in a regulated asset accumulation. Still, there is no financial investment, which offer the opportunity to achieve such high returns as the GFH GmbH the budget planner.

And at real and not speculative investment just listed homes with limited means offer good opportunities for investors, without constantly retrieve stock prices before the newspaper or the computer to, to achieve what the opinion of the GFH GmbH are listed real estate good long-term returns? You are one of the most sought after residential real estate: apartments. What apartments But exactly who is not defined. Mostly there are apartments in certain condition, were built in a design common to a certain period of time. Its features include stucco ceilings, high walls, numerous Bay or wrought-iron railings, decorated facades. Apartments today, provided they are still stopped, adapted to structural standards. With appropriate structural measures the profitability of apartments will be restored or increased reported the GFH GmbH in Nuremberg.

The German Government supports owner when renovating their apartments with significant tax advantages. To do so, following requirements must be met: the apartments to be renovated must be recognized by the Office for historical monuments as monument and listed in the list of cultural monuments or in a recognized rehabilitation. These criteria are met, is connected to the renovation of the Monument-protected apartments with significant tax benefits: investors can use monument depreciation over 12 years the entire interest in the redevelopment of Apartments write off, the monument-AfA grants an own user this way for 10 years in.

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