Polarized Effect

Polarized Effect

All we tend towards the polarization. If they leave single we finished us in the end, polarized, one-dimensional. Without counterbalances, easily we can become our worse enemies and potentially give him to loose rein to our propensities, obsessions and compulsions, taking us of encounter to the business and to family and friendly. The counterbalances are indispensable. Without counterbalances we lose perspective and we slanted the judgment. It is that the other people’s problem always is easier to diagnose. In colloquial terms to this phenomenon they call &quot to him; blindness of taller" , in psychology " unconscious protection of ego" , " part ciega" or simply " negacin". A counterbalance is a reality that suddenly crashes you in the face; somebody that dares to decirte what thinks; a crisis that breaks with your zone of comfort challenges and you in your predominant paradigm. More information is housed here: actress and filmmaker.

By definition, the counterbalances generate confusion and are uncomfortable, reason why or usually they are nullified, conscious or unconsciously, with money, authority, blackmails, rationalization, persuasion, dogmas, fanaticisms, evasion, among others. And once the person eliminates the counterbalances watch all it with a single lens, with a single perspective, and for everything it applies the same prescription. For example, if the monoperspective of an executive is to lower expenses and to be efficient, the problems of will always explain them to the company because it lacked to make more savings. If a person sees with the lens of the commitment everything, from wars, suicides, bankruptcies and to divorces they will be explained like lack of commitment. If one is religion, it will say that the problems and solutions are brought about for being a good or bad believer. If one is a complex, will say whenever it is a plot. For want of counterbalances the vision filters, external verification is slanted and looked for it finds until it, reinforcing therefore the cycle of negation.

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