Tag Archives: administration and businesses

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing

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High Administration

High Administration

To be compliance is to know the norms of the organization, to follow the recommended procedures, to act in compliance with and to feel how much the ethics and the idoneousness in all are basic the attitudes. To be in compliance is to be in compliance with internal and external laws and regulations. It still recognizes the FEBRABAN? Brazilian federacy of Banks in its advisory manual: (…) to be and to be compliance it is, above all, an individual obligation of each collaborator inside of the institution. For assistance, try visiting actress and filmmaker. 2,3 MISSION OF the COMPLIANCE the mission of compliance is to assure, in set with the too much areas, the adequacy, the reinforcement and the functioning of the system of internal controls of the institution, looking for to mitigate the risks in accordance with the complexity of its businesses, as well as spreading the culture of the controls to assure the existing fulfilment of laws and regulations. Beyond acting in orientation awareness to the prevention of activities and behaviors that can cause risks to the image of the institution. 2,4 COMPLIANCE FUNCTION Is elements of the function of compliance:

To have authority necessary to reach the objectives of compliance of the institution: independent report with access to the Advice and the High Administration, developing activities of compliance without intervention and veto of other areas; – To evaluate of general form the corporative governana, management of risks and the controls in the organization: work focado in the integrated management of risks of the institution and guided for its strategy; – To watch over for the ethics/behavior in the organization of including form; – To evaluate the impact of the regulation in the business, to better understand the involved risks versus the relation cost/benefit of necessary alterations of processes/systems/products; – To develop contacts pro-asset with regulating agencies and/or for intermediary of entities of classroom; – To develop a work each time next to the business area, increasing related knowledge the businesses and products; – To participate pr-ativamente and preventively in the approval of the risks of new products/processes and respective alterations..