Tag Archives: technology

SLA Concepts

SLA Concepts

But it can use to advantage the chance to understand the problem technician and all the concepts, to compare with other solutions, to identify similar problems in another hardware. It also can to explore the events of occurrence such as the time of identification of the problem, the courtesy in the attendance, the SLA, etc. the critical one of the technique and the episode can so be detailed and be deepened how much if it wants, and the more if it explores, more professional knowledge if it acquires. The critical one of episode, sequncia of events, it has one another product: the context. The context of one determined episode is the set of all the circumstances surround that it. It is for example, the fact of the customer to have reason or not, or if it is only arguing; it is to understand that a question exists politics; it is to perceive that the problem is of definition and of execution or not to admit that you are missed and if to locate as such. The experienced professional understands the context better and its course of action is based on this agreement. For example, the detailed communication of the causes one roots infrastructure problem if applies inside of YOU, but common-sense recommends to reduce the volume of information for external communications YOU.

In this in case that, valley the rule: the less information, better. Therefore the internal customer is unaware of the technology and probably any critical one will be destructive and alone it will amplify the problem. What it is adjusted for a context, can not be for another one. To capture these nuances is not easy task and requires much critical analysis and comparison with existing concepts. The experienced professionals understand all better the variants of the same situation they associate and them with the concepts. Problems are associates the management of crises and analysis of cause root.

Falls of performance are associates the plan of capacity, SLA and teams of high performance. Problems of projects are associates the target management, the management of stated period and costs. It is always possible to associate some situation to a concept and to rescue it future knot. The association with the best concept allows a comparison between practical and the action. The experienced professional makes this in one to blink of eyes, being rescued its old episodes and related concepts. We can conclude that an experienced professional of YOU is not necessarily somebody ' ' velho' ' therefore the experience comes much more of the reflection of what of the kilometragem. This seems to possess an interminable supply of knowledge therefore it is always learning with all the situations. It explores the technique in details at the same time that it determines the context of each situation of work. Mentally it associates the situations to the concepts and the shunting lines of these beatings determine its actions. It reads sufficiently but it understands that the reading by itself is not origin of the knowledge but only the reflection on what reads and its practical use make of it a more experienced person.

Juventude And Internet

Juventude And Internet

Juventude and InternetA Internet or world-wide net of computers in its human technological development must be thought as a Human process of construction social description, where all its physical members and components, physicists or goal and of the directions, control its gneses. It is basic to think that the computer is not a constructed machine, a priori, only as a necessity human being. In its elaboration and utility in the modern world it is impregnated of constructions and reconstructions human beings. He is significant to say this, therefore many educators need to understand that the technology is a construction human being and that its direction and utility we are, men, society, culture, who we go modifying it and giving direction to it, at the same time. The informticas technologies are more than what machines, therefore they mean a reorganization of the human thought in the world of the possibilities of the language and the communication. It never became a canal of storage and distribution of digital data visas in history. As Villela this revolutionary anarchy in the process of the medias empties in long ago absolute part and to be able and leaves absorbed the classic concept of communication, the net is by its very nature one propagates of expression of many. The reality of the Internet in Brazil has more than one decade had its explosive growth.

In accordance with the Ibrandis Leaf 26, 41565 million people are using of Internet and this number comes increasing, the study also evidenced that the country where more connected time is spent; it is record in sales of computers of personal use. It enters the developed activities in web for the young Brazilians are distinguished of relationships as: Orkut, former communication: email, leisure and search of information online. Between that they had used the Internet the ratio of that had searched information and services were superior to the others.