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Creative Preparation

Creative Preparation

By Rob Poulos, Expert in Loss of Fat and Physical, Creative Preparation of " Incinerator of Grasa" In order to be able to reap the benefits of the intense exercise that I recommend to the students of my system Fat Incinerator, you must have a suitable rest. I cannot put major emphasis to this point. In fact, the rest is equal of important, but it is more that, than the exercise. During the exercise of resistance of high intensity that realises my students, the muscles experience small injuries or tears. The answer of the body is to adapt and to repair itself, developing stronger and great muscles, which causes that you burn more fat and you have a thinner body. Nevertheless, this process of growth and repair will not take place if it is not allowed the body to have the time necessary to do his work.

Quite often, people return running to the gymnasium, since many have been flooded with the axiom " he is mejor&quot more; concerning the exercise. Nevertheless, if we do not become to a side and we allowed that the body makes its magic, we will experiment poor results. We will not burn fat we wished as it, and will finish demotivated or very possibly, we resign totally to our efforts. If you do not obtain sufficient rest or dream, much work will cost to develop the burning fat muscle to you that will transform your body. In addition, also much work will cost to you to burn fat! That is the reason for which we do not have to exercise long time quite often or when we exercised ourselves with the sufficient intensity. When we applied to the body an intense stimulus, like the one of the training with weights, we do not have to continue exercising every day to us. If you did this, quickly on-you will train your muscles and you will deny to your body its ability to him to recover of the exercise.

The Strategies

The Strategies

From this point of view, we understand by independent learning the process that allow the student to be author of its own cognitive development, choosing personally the strategies, the resources, the techniques and the moments that consider pertinent to learn and to put in practice which has learned. This protagonism assumed by each person direcciona from a self-training made specific in: to learn to be educated, to think, to want by itself, to decide and to build, of conscious and integral way. This to build of conscious and integral way, it makes reference to the MOTIVATION, that is developed by who learns, because the motivation it is the results of the personal conviction and the taste or satisfaction does not have to be reduced simply to that feels when something pleasant is perceived. In this sense, so that the independent learning is sustainable, it is necessary that it is born from the interior of each individual (intrinsic motivation) and is the results of reasons or moving bodies that are personal, because nobody motivates to anybody, each is motivated with base in its own results and in brings back to consciousness that must of them to reach them. This aspect of the motivation in the learning, is fundamental, because through the self-motivation an integral learning occurs that involves the affective dimension, the will and not only the intellectual or mental development, but this occurs from the activity with the motivation and the will to want to learn.

From this perspective, when tying the motivation in the learning, is to more integrally involve to the subject protagonist of the formation, because it apprentice is the one who autoregula and autodirecciona in the process of learning from the formulation of goals, planning itself its action and autoevalua from the registry of observable conducts or fixed beforehand criteria, that look for the personal self-realization, fed by values. One of the values that it develops of particular way the autonomy is the responsibility. The self-regulation of the learning implies a way to learn independent and active governed by objectives and goals of own; it supposes the dominion and application planned and adaptable of resource of processes, referred to metacognitivas strategies, mental and process of direction and control of effort, as well as of motivational components, that allow to improve the results. This personal interest of an individual to learn by itself, does that the person one becomes qualified and it is possible to be tied with greater facility to the present labor world in which it is required of people who have the capacity to learn continuously. A person who can autorregular her learning, intrsecamente is motivated, car-goes, car-monitors itself and also car-she is evaluated, is a flexible person who adapts to the changes that to him the context proposes in which it develops. The process to learn to learn, of self-regulation, self-management of the mental and metacognitivos resources leads, us to the conception of an active person, constructive, enterprising and true protagonist of its formation.