Work Way

Work Way

The importance of the contents mentions the meaning of the activity or task to it. This depends on the capacity of the pupil to point out the task in the context of what already it knows and also of its capacity to determine the implications of that information when will have that to carry through or to use the task or the knowledge. Therefore, he is important that the professor standes out the importance of the activity, prioritizing in its messages. In the organization of the activities one evidenced that the professors do not provide great autonomy to the pupils. They suggest to the pupil the work already planned previously as the difficulties of each one, rare negotiating the ones that can have sensible more for them.

What negative point can become, therefore according to Tpia, the way with that the professors organize the activities in lesson, is related with the interest and the way as face they them, thus promoting interactions cooperative. The organization of the activities can vary, but the important one is the autonomy that the pupil makes use to make the task. The autonomy is bigger when the pupils assume the activities as something positive and desired. This involves the choice of work groups, chooses one amongst some subjects of work, etc. the negotiation of the activities with the pupils makes possible the professor to discourse on the viability of options and to help them in the organization of the same ones for stages.

This allows to evaluate ways and the progression of the learning, considering the reached results already (TAPIA, 1999). The interest of the pupils and the way as they face the activities are stimulated when it is related to the way as the professors organize activities in lesson, promoting cooperative interactions. This involves the type of task, the size of the group, the composition and the characteristics of the group.

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