Administration Budgetary

Administration Budgetary

In this direction, it has that if to consider a mannering change, in the search of if perfecting the planning activity, that involves the survey and the data handling, as well as the projection or expectation of consumo9. Such requirement, if ignored, can delay or make it difficult the implantation of the SRP. Therefore all the effort must be developed in the direction to associate ideas, to search the cooperative agreement and the unification of propsitos11. The adoption of the SRP allows to the significant evolution of the planning activity, motivating the cooperation enters the most diverse areas, therefore it is necessary that a planning in set is carried through, so that is raised the demand necessary to be licitada9. Of equal form, it can bring some advantages for systematics of act of contract, many times so complex, therefore, beyond promoting greater efficiency and flexibility in the accomplishment of the public charges, it is pointed possibility of popular control on the prices registrados13. One of the great advantages of this system is the desnecessidade of budgetary endowment for its accomplishment.

Law 8,666/93 demands budgetary forecast for accomplishment of licitatrio certame, however, the government contingency the budget, liberates quarterly quotas and leaves the biggest ciphers for the end of the exercise, what it disables the manager to materialize, in short space of time, the long bureaucratic passage of the licitation. With this, ciphers are returned to the State treasury that were effectively necessary to the good course of the service pblico1,13. With the systematics of the SRP, the Administration it selects the proposal most advantageous presented in the licitatrio procedure and waits the release of the budgetary resources for the efetivao of the purchase or request of servio13. In addition the SRP does not compel the Administration, as the conventional licitation, where it has a commitment that it only can be revoked or be annulled in bonanza character.

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