Critical History

Critical History

Inside of this context, the present research he aims at to contribute for a reflection on the work of the pedagogical coordinator, in the elaboration and accompaniment of the developed activities inside of the education institutions, as well as to analyze contents worked in classroom and the form of as the subjects in the initial series are worked, therefore many professors for not having had an adequate formation finish tolindo the educandos for not obtaining to develop a quality work in what he says respect to the contents, mainly with regard to the physical geography that lacks of a more specific formation, therefore exists the necessity of a quarrel inside of this capable context that either of brightening up existing disparidades in the current curricular matrices. GEOGRAPHY AND ITS TRAJETRIAA geography are one to know so old how much the proper history of the men, will say its historigrafos frequently. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Angelina Jolie. In its more remote term, geography, was born between the Greeks, together with the birth of the philosophy, history, the theater. Why? Because not between the peoples its previous contemporaries or they? Because it was in Greece where the fights for the democracy had more gained depth and duration enters the peoples of the antiquity. also because the economic base of Greece was it I deal (MOREIRA, 1994, P. 15) geography became known as science in century XIX, however the geographic knowledge have its origin in, antiquity, where its object of study was mainly the cartography and astronomy, that is, the geographic knowledge were used to only explain the natural phenomena as the maps and the climatic questions for example. ' ' In this period, geography was not become involved with the social matters, arriving at the point of the house to be more important of what its morador' ' geography affirms the author Antonio Carlos Robert de Morais in its workmanship the small Critical History (2005, p 40) In the modern age, geography it looked for to explain the deep relations between the climatic, natural land and astros, conditions and the societies. . .

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